Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's a LibraryThing!

Just joined up with LibraryThing, and created my catalogue:

You'll notice that the majority are graphic novels, because, well, they're my thing. lol

I can definitely see a benefit in using this type of social networking, as not only can you generate personal lists relating to different books (want-to-read, already-own, etc), LibraryThing allows you to see who else has included your books on their list/s, giving you the opportunity to see what else you might like to read, as well as being able to contact others with similar interests.

Great stuff.

Online Image Generation

Here is a magazine cover I made using one of my favourite pictures of Homer Simpson (with thanks to FOX). the picture just seemed to gel with the cover, so I went for it. The cover was created by uploading Homer via Footrix, and then using

The Joy of RSS

I'm currently following 5 feeds from a few different sites, based on my outside-of-work interests, including music, graphic novels, and other random pop culture stuff. While I do visit a number of sites daily at home, RSS offers the benefits of seeing posts I may be interested in as a quick list, rather than having to troll through the site/s. I'm definitely going to add some of the blogs, etc that I visit less regularly, as I think it will save me some time trying to see when they've been updated.

Random Thoughts on Technology

Technology Is Not Technology
Originally uploaded by lgb06
While I definitely see the advantages of social networking and online sharing of images, I think that there will come a point when people will regret this 'oversharing' of personal details. That drunken photo may cost them a job, their status listed online may allow their house to be robbed, the relative ease of identity fraud, etc. I'm not sure that many people actually think about what they're really posting...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What are you looking at?

~ "Clear"ly Harmless ~
Originally uploaded by ViaMoi
Saw this and thought - 'how great are zoom lenses?' :-)

A series of portraits - "Bushland Campus"

Mother Energy Drink
V Energy Drink
Soy Sauce Fish
Kinder Surprise Chocolate
Gossips Chardonnay
Toohey's Extra Dry Beer
Marlboro Cigarettes
Gloria Jean's Coffee